Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Long Can I Go Without Grocery Shopping?

Most people I know have their pantries fully stocked, but they still go grocery shopping saying that they have nothing to eat at home. I am no exception. Since I decided to live with almost no money, I am going to see how long I can go without shopping for grocery. The photo above is not my pantry. I don't have a big pantry like that. I also don't buy boxed macaroni and (fake) cheese or canned fruit. In my small pantry, I have a lot of dried wild mushrooms that I foraged and dried. I also have a couple bags of dried figs that I picked from my garden and dried. I have a lot of spices and different kinds of flour. I have rolled oats and steel cut oats. I have a few cans of tuna, sardines, chicken broth, coconut milk, and evaporated milk.
For tonight's dinner, I chopped up a couple onions and a daikon radish from my garden to make a pot of soup in my Crock Pot. I cooked some rice and opened up a can of King Oscar Sardines in fish oil that's been in the pantry for years. My father gave them to me years ago which I stored in my previous pantry for a year. I brought them with me when I moved into this house four years ago. I was sure they were still good. I I always hesitate to open a can of sardines even though I actually think they taste good. It's the way they look. They just don't look too appetizing, you know, with tails and skin. However, Sardines are one of the few foods that contain Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a nutrient found the body’s cells. In a nutshell, it’s believed to have antioxidant properties and is said to enhance physical energy. Studies have also found that CoQ10 benefits those with cardiovascular diseases, particularly hypertension and congestive heart failure. In addition to CoQ10, these little nutritional powerhouses are also ample sources of vitamin B12, selenium, omega-3 oils, protein, phosphorus and vitamin D.

I ate the sardines with steamy Japanese rice right out of rice cooker. It was simple and tasty for me since I love fish. The soup was good, too. I had to stop myself for finishing the entire can of sardines. I am saving some for tomorrow.

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